For news, updates & upcoming dates: Visit the Event website
Powering franchise growth through technology and leadership
Many of the fastest growing and most successful chains in the restaurant industry are embracing innovation throughout their operations. These forward-thinking brands are constantly looking for the next innovation — new technologies, new menu items, new marketing tactics, new training programs, etc. — that will propel them to even greater heights.
At the Restaurant Franchising & Innovation Summit, executives from leading brands will share their success stories of the numerous ways they have innovated to grow their franchises. Attendees will gain insight and inspiration to help them be more progressive in every facet of their businesses.
Some of the topics that may be addressed include:
- In-store technology
- Customer engagement
- Marketing and branding
- Promotion and loyalty programs
- Menu development
- Kitchen design
- Restaurant operations
- Franchise development
- Financing
- Employee recruitment and training
- Supply chain management
The Summit is targeted to anyone on the corporate franchising side involved in driving product, service, equipment, and customer-experience innovation, new franchise development, franchise branding, and consistent technology adoption, use, and utilization among existing system franchisees. This also includes successful franchise owner/operators who serve in advisory capacities, as pilot testers, early adopters, and vocal champions of new system innovations and technologies.
Attendance will include executives with responsibility for:
- Franchise development
- Franchise operations
- Information Technology
- M-commerce / E-commerce
- Marketing / Branding
- Operations
- Payments
- Purchasing
- Strategy
Cherryh Cansler
VP of Events
Kathy Doyle
Networld Media Group
toll free: 877.441.7545
fax: 502.241.1385
13100 Eastpoint Park Blvd.
Louisville, KY 40223
To find out more about this year’s North America or Europe event, visit the event website.
Sponsorship of the Restaurant Franchising and Innovation Summit entitles you to work closely with participants on their specific ideas and concerns for the restaurant industry and their franchising opportunities. Sponsor representatives join in creating an experience of knowledge and value for each participant. Don’t miss an opportunity to learn, socialize and network with the industry’s top leaders!
For details about all sponsorship levels and benefits, please download the prospectus.