Tom HarperExecutive Chairman

Tom co-founded Networld Media Group, and in 1997 served as editor of its first site, He co-founded the ATM Industry Association in the same year, and currently serves on its board.

He is publisher of, a website offering free leadership content and resources to pastors and marketplace leaders. In 2017 he founded DeepWater Books, an independent book publisher for the Christian market.

Books he has written include:

  • Inner Threat: Combatting Christian Leadership’s Natural Enemy (DeepWater Books, 2022)
  • Servant Leader Strong: Uniting Biblical Wisdom and High-Performance Leadership (DeepWater, 2019)
  • Through Colored Glasses: How Great Leaders Reveal Reality (DeepWater, 2018)
  • Cash Box: The Invention and Globalization of the ATM (Networld Press, 2013)
  • Leading from the Lions’ Den: 66 Leadership Principles from Every Book of the Bible (B&H, 2010)

Tom and his family attend Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky., where he serves as an elder.