Turning website visitors into members for the Society for Church Consulting

Before utilizing Networld Media Group, the Society for Church Consulting struggled to engage their website visitors with membership services, online resources and secure payments. Today, through implementing a new strategy, the SCC has engaged their website visitors and helped them take the necessary next steps toward membership and training. “Offering a ‘Free Consultant Training Guide’ on our home page has given us a way to connect with our ‘front-door traffic’ and follow-up with their interest in the Society for Church Consulting,” Jim Barber, Executive Director of the Society for Church Consulting, said. The Society for Church Consulting became a client of Networld Media Group in 2015. The mission of SCC is to revitalize and advance churches through a network of high-quality consultants. They do this by training, certifying and edifying a global community of consultants, as well as connecting these consultants with churches. Another benefit of receiving website support through Networld Media Group is the SCC’s ability to host a secure online store and offer online payment options for its members. “Our previous website host was unsupportive. Networld Media Group initially moved our site, and keeps it current, making necessary changes along the way,” Barber said. These tools allow website visitors the convenience of using the Society for Church Consulting’s services and programs from their home office. “I would recommend Networld Media Group’s services,” Barber said. “They have been helpful in making significant changes and enhancements to our website that have benefited the Society for Church Consulting overall.”
“Our previous website host was unsupportive. Networld Media Group initially moved our site, and keeps it current, making necessary changes along the way.” Jim Barber Executive Director